Learn how to

  • Design your coaching approach around the learning style of every individual member of staff.

  • Gain commitment from the people you are coaching so that you see improved performance over time.

  • Influence the Employee Value proposition used by your HR colleagues to attract and retain staff.

Masterclass content

Modules are structured in stages over the duration of the course to reinforce your learning

  1. Welcome and introductions

  2. Why coaching works

  3. A personal approach

  4. The coaching culture of your organisation

  5. Further reading

About this course

  • Free
  • 8 hours over 4 weeks
  • Collaborative
  • Audio-visual

Your host!

Feel free to reach out by email if you need any further information

Susanne Axelsson

Frontline Community Evangelist

Awesome customer experience starts at the frontline

Our Frontline Magic Evangelist Susanne is dedicated to growing and amplifying our community's voice and ensuring you have access to useful, interesting content that will help you make frontline work awesome! Get in touch if you have ideas on how we can do better.